MatterX for Business Central and Xero

Smart and compliant legal practice management.

Leverage the power of Microsoft and Xero

to streamline your matter management, invoicing, payments, and trust accounting. No need to switch your finance system or compromise on compliance.

MatterX & Xero Benefits

Simplify, Secure, and Scale

Save time and money

by automating your matter invoicing and payments with MatterX for Business Central and Xero. No more manual data entry, duplication, or errors.

Stay compliant

with MatterX for Business Central’s certified trust accounting solution. Manage your trust accounts, control monies, and reconciliations with ease and confidence.

Grow your business

with MatterX for Business Central’s project, stage, and task management features. Track your resources, time, and budget for each matter and deliver exceptional client service.

Innovate your practice

with MatterX for Business Central’s integration with Microsoft and AI-powered tools. Enhance your productivity, lead generation, and client relationships with the latest technology.
MatterX & Xero in Action
Explore how MatterX for Business Central and Xero seamlessly integrate to revolutionize your legal practice management, from matter handling to financial reconciliation.

Manage your matters more efficiently

with MatterX for Business Central. Create and assign projects, stages, and tasks for each matter. Track your progress, deadlines, and performance with real-time data and reports.

Flexible client invoicing

with MatterX for Business Central. Choose the billing method that suits your matter and client. Generate and send invoices directly from MatterX for Business Central with a few clicks.

Receive and reconcile payments easily

with Xero. Connect your bank accounts and credit cards to Xero and get your transactions imported automatically. Match your payments to your invoices from MatterX for Business Central and keep your books up to date.

Handle your trust accounting securely

with MatterX for Business Central. Record and track your trust deposits and withdrawals for each matter and client. Reconcile your trust accounts with your bank statements and generate compliant reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have Xero, how long will it take to add MatterX for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?
If you're starting with no data migration, your system could be ready in just a few hours to days. Our team is available to assist with configuration, setup activities, and any data migration needs.
What kind of technical support and maintenance is included with MatterX?
We provide ongoing technical support and regular maintenance updates to ensure your MatterX system operates smoothly and remains up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements. Additionally, our Microsoft Partners offer local Australian support options, which can be customised or tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring you receive relevant and localised assistance.
Will there be training or support available for my team to transition to MatterX?
Absolutely. We provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure your team can seamlessly transition to and efficiently use MatterX alongside Xero.
When my firm is ready to transition to a more comprehensive finance system, how smooth is the switch to full Microsoft Dynamics 365?
The transition is designed to be smooth and straightforward. Our team will assist you in migrating to Microsoft Dynamics 365, ensuring a seamless upgrade to a more robust finance system when your firm is ready.
Do I need Microsoft 365 licenses?
Yes, we recommend each MatterX user to have a Microsoft 365 Business subscription. This ensures seamless integration and full functionality of MatterX within your existing workflow.
Can MatterX for Business Central integrate with other tools and software commonly used in law firms?
Yes, MatterX is designed for high compatibility and can integrate with various  legal providers and software, enhancing your firm’s efficiency and workflow.
Can MatterX for Business Central be customized to fit the specific needs of my law firm?
Yes, MatterX offers configurable features to cater to the unique needs of your law firm. From matter management to billing and invoicing, our solution can be tailored to fit your specific requirements.
Experience MatterX in Action Schedule a personalized demo or personal trial to see how MatterX can revolutionize your legal practice.
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